In a little more than a decade, the Internet has gone from a relatively obscure research tool for universities to one of the most important mass communication mediums we have. Today, the Internet hosts millions of websites and billions of emails make their way around the world every day.
The advantages of creating a store on the Internet are clear:
The Web is bidirectional. In contrast to other marketing mediums, the Web allows businesses to market directly to people interested in their products or services. Broad marketing strokes are unnecessary. Instead, search engines use keywords to catalog the Web and your name and wares show up in the results of the search. Suddenly, anyone in the world can access your online store.
It’s affordable and flexible. You don’t have to start big. You can start small and add on as you get sales and income starts rolling in. Compared to a traditional bricks and mortar store, an online store is very, very affordable.
Around the clock marketing around the globe. Regardless of your local marketing strategies, anyone in the world (approximately 60 million prospective customers right now) can view your site and your products or services. In addition, since the Web is running all the time, your marketing dollars are working for you 24 hours a day nonstop.
Accurate statistics. Numerous options allow you to see just how many people are actually viewing your site in a typical day, week or month. You can see what they were looking at, where they came from, what search words they used in a search engine… valuable data that will help you further refine your marketing efforts.
Hungry for more info? Spider Website Designs has created this area so you can learn more about the topics that are important to the success of your online business.
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